
L'Ombre survivante

Photographic corpus comprising seven large-scale colour mounted on volumes of varying depth.

Materials: Silver photographic prints; Plexiglas; pine and chipboard structure; white paint Size: Photographs: 100 cm x 150 cm. Volumes: 100 cm x 150 cm. Volume depth: from 10 cm to 50 cm

This installation comprises a series of 3' X 4' landscape shots taken on the East coast. Presented as an ensemble, the photographs recreate a fictional landscape that envelops the viewer on three sides of the exhibition space, with the rear wall left blank. Each of the photographs incorporates the shadow of the photographer in the landscape. The set-up is straightforward but opens onto another facet of reality through the use of two strategies. The first involves presenting the photos not as objects of contemplation, but rather to suggest the possible advent of another, virtual image. The second involves mounting the photographs on supports of varying thickness, conferring a greater material presence to them and physically projecting the images into the exhibition space. The two strategies combined shift the work and the viewer away from predetermined spatial constructs, creating a relation between the real three-dimensional space of the gallery and the illusory two-dimensional space of the photograph. Viewers entering the gallery remain aware of their physical location but are nevertheless integrated into a fictional landscape. The shadow acts as an interface that integrates the viewer into a simultaneous experience both the fictional and the real space, allowing them to walk, as it were, inside the material image of the photograph. The intensity of the effect varies with each viewer, and is not based on absolutes outcomes.